lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2015

Ghost Bats by Gwendolyn

I am Gwendolyn, daughter of Rachel. I chose Ghost Bats because they are so cute and because my mom studies them. I am 7 years old.

 Ghost Bats are bats. The ones I chose to study come from Australia but you can find another species of ghost bats in Panama. They can attack prey. Ghost Bats have long ears for long distance hearing. The females are generally smaller than the males. Ghost Bats are carnivores. They eat mice, small bats, birds, ants and insects. They live in caves most of the time. People have been mining the caves and that puts the bats in danger. Ghost Bats fly in the dark, and when they fly they look like ghosts! I love Ghost Bats!

8 comentarios:

  1. Gwen,
    I LOVE GHOST BATS! When we studied bats last year, I was just fascinated by all of them. You are so lucky to have a mom who studies them and can tell you such interesting information. Could we have her come talk to us at school?! What do you think about the fact that people have been mining and putting these bats in danger? How would you solve that problem?!
    Good work! :)

    1. Hi Ms. Hilary,

      I think it's horrible that they are doing that. We need to tell people that they are hurting bats. We need to tell the whole world that we should not do that!

  2. Hi Gwendolyn,

    I also read, from your classmates, about the Margay cat being in danger. I wonder if you have any ideas how we can live in harmony without endangering animals? I understand mining is important for people but it is also sad to see animals' homes put in danger. Thank you for sharing such great information!

    1. Hi Suzie,

      I'm sorry that I don't know who you are, but thank you. We try to not touch bats and hurt their habitat. I think we can close some caves so bats can live there without being disturbed. Who are you and where do you live?

  3. Hi Gwendolyn,
    I love your research and I love your drawing of a ghost bat hanging upside down! How do you think bats can hang upside down like that without all the blood rushing to their heads? Does the blood rush to your head when you hang upside down too long? And don't you want to go to Australia to go see that cool bat?!!
    Awesome work,

    1. Mom,

      Bats have a special thing on their heads so blood doesn't rush out for them! haha well I found out that they are made differently than most living things. Blood does not rush to their heads, they have one way valves in their arteries. I don't think we do. When can we go to Australia?

  4. Hi Gwendolyn.
    What a great drawing of the ghost bat.
    I am going to have to pay more attention to the bats the next time I see them. What do you think would be the easiest way for me to tell if it is a Ghost Bat?

    1. Hi Adrianne

      You should know that they look like ghosts in the sky when they fly!
