miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015

How to make a secret hide out? by Mila

First, you find a nook and then you make it comfy . After that you have to put a door made out of pillows. You can also put macaroni and cheese. If you want, you can also put signs that say "please don't come in". You can make pictures to put inside. Finally, you have a secret comfy hide out.


How to play Agar.io? by Yago

First,you google the game called agar.io, the website is www.agar.io.
Second, if you have an account on Facebook you can login using the account. If you use Facebook you will start with a higher mass.
Third, you start playing the game. The game is basically about a ball that eats other colorful geometric shapes that move.
After a few minutes of eating those colorful shapes you will start eating other players. You can divide yourself using ''spacebar'' and eject some mass using ''w'' on your keyboard.
When you are big enough, you have to find a team. You first eject some mass to someone, if the other player sends you some mass back you have a team. If not don't give him more mass.
Finally, there is one last thing that I have to explain. If you find a big green spiky ball, BE CAREFUL!! When you are bigger than the spiky ball don't go inside, because it will split you in tiny pieces. However if you are smaller you can hide in it.

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

How can you build a little house? by Mahala

You will need a big piece of metal, four sticks of wood (the same size) and make sure they are a little tall. After that get four big size pieces of wood shaped like a square and on the forth piece of wood cut a rectangle in the middle for the door. Then get wood for the door, shape it and try to open it.  Immediatly after that put the four sticks of wood on the ground. Finally put the metal on the sticks of wood and put the four pieces of wood through the sticks of wood. And if you want you can decorate the house.

jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2015

How to make yogurt. by Manuel

First, you get one liter of milk. Second, you heat up the milk. Third, before the milk gets too hot (so hot that it burns your fingers) you remove it from the heat.Then, you put a cup of yogurt in the milk and you mix it together. Lastly, you leave it in a warm room for 6 hours. When 6 hours have passed, you can put the yogurt in the fridge and eat it when it gets cold. Enjoy!

lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2015

Our First Project : GDS Cartography!

 We go to school in a beautiful place called Gamboa. We decided to map the area. Some of us live here too, so we got to visit some of our houses.

First as a class we explored Gamboa. We divided Gamboa into different sections so that we could all be a part of the process. We each had a section to study.
Second, we colored our sections and recorded the house numbers and roads.
Third, we mapped out our sections on a piece of graph paper.
After that, we took a big board made of wood and glued a large piece of black felt.
As a group, we traced and made the roads. We used a different color so that we could all see the differences.
 We also traced the houses. The younger kids at the Gamboa Discovery School helped us by making the important buildings in our neighborhood. These included the fire station, our school, the Panama Canal, etc..
Lastly, we glued and labelled our map! We are very proud of our map and got to sign it!

We will meet Jorge Ventocilla and show him our map. He is the author of the Gamboa book. We can't wait!!

- Gatun Classroom

lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2015

The Margay by Mahala

My name is Mahala, I am 8 years old and I'm going to be 9 in a few months. I wanted to do this animal because I love cats and the Margay is a type of cat. This animal is in a lot of danger.

The Margay has been seen in forest habitats, both deciduous and evergreen.
They have occasionally been spotted in shady cocoa or coffee plantations and riverine forests.
The Margay lives in different areas of Central and South America. They live in different places including Mexico, The Amazon Basin, Argentina, Uruguay, Belize and Brazil.
They eat squirrels, opossums, different kinds of birds, rats and three toed sloths.

The Margay by Mila

Hello, My name is Mila. I am 7 years old and I like the Margay because they are cute and because I like Ocelots.

The Margay (leopardus wiedii) is a small cat native to Central and South America. You can find them at BCI. The Margay is very similar to the larger Ocelot. This is because the Margay is mostly nocturnal and is naturally rare in the environment. They eat small mammals including monkeys and tree frogs!
It takes 80 days for a Margay to give birth and they usually have only one baby.

Ocelots by Nico

My name is Nico. I am 8 years old and I chose Ocelots because they are very interesting. They also live in Panama and I live in Panama.

Ocelots live in the forest and are never  found in fields. They have very sharp claws and eat snakes. They have a good sense of smell and people use their skin for coats.

Ghost Bats by Gwendolyn

I am Gwendolyn, daughter of Rachel. I chose Ghost Bats because they are so cute and because my mom studies them. I am 7 years old.

 Ghost Bats are bats. The ones I chose to study come from Australia but you can find another species of ghost bats in Panama. They can attack prey. Ghost Bats have long ears for long distance hearing. The females are generally smaller than the males. Ghost Bats are carnivores. They eat mice, small bats, birds, ants and insects. They live in caves most of the time. People have been mining the caves and that puts the bats in danger. Ghost Bats fly in the dark, and when they fly they look like ghosts! I love Ghost Bats!

Jaguars by Yago

Hello my name is Yago and I'm going to write about Jaguars. I want to know how they live and what they eat. I'm trying to learn a lot about them. I hope I can do my best researching them. I'm going to write very interesting facts, so we can all know more about them.

The scientific name for Jaguars is ''Panthera Onca''. They normally weigh between 120-220 lbs as adults. Their height is usually from 2.1-2.5 ft as adults.They have a lifespan of 12-15 years when they live in the wild. Their higher classification is the ''Panthera''. The gestation period for Jaguars is  93 to 105 days. In adult Jaguars, their body length ranges from 3.9 to 6.4 ft long.


The Red Tailed Squirrel by Manuel

Hi, my name is Manuel and I am from Spain. I like Tennis and I chose this animal
 because I like it a lot. I love the colors red tailed squirrel have.They are brown, red and orange.

The red tailed squirrel can run through little branches.The red tailed squirrel is a tree squirrel in the genus sciurus that comes from Central and South America. It is found in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama,Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela. The red tailed squirrel has a big and a large tail.