domingo, 3 de enero de 2016

Last Assignment!

I'm very proud of all the emails and work I've received.

Your last assignment is a simple reflective assignment, but a very important one. You will bring your final product to class on Monday Jan. 11th. Our first day back to school after the holiday season.

Step 1: I want you to think about the experiences you've had this last month during your holiday season. You will create two lists  on two different sheets of paper. The first list will include your FAVORITE SPECIAL MOMENTS in which you had fun or enjoyed the season. Opening your presents on Christmas day? Maybe you learned to fly a kite? Maybe you had a wonderful meal with mom?
 The second list will include DIFFICULT MOMENTS. In this list you will write specific times when you felt sad, frustrated or simply did not enjoy the holiday season. An argument with a friend? Bored with nothing to do? Lost a game on the computer? Missed your friends at school?

 I would like to see at least 5 moments in each list.

You can choose to draw or write the moments. THE CHOICE IS YOURS!

Step 2: Interview ONE of your immediate family members (mom, dad, sister, brother etc..) about their FAVORITE SPECIAL MOMENTS and their DIFFICULT MOMENTS in the last month, and make a separate list. Record their perspective just like you did for yourself in Step 1.

Step 3:  Think about the differences and talk to your family and friends about things you might have been able to do in order to make some of the difficult moments special ones for both yourself and your family member.  Think about the following questions:

What are some solutions in order to turn the difficult moments into special ones? would your family agree with these solutions?
Did you or your family member learn anything from these special or difficult moments? Are some of these moments necessary?
Do you agree with your family member and their list?

Step 4: Bring your lists to school on Monday Jan. 11th and leave it on my desk as soon as you arrive to class.

See you all very soon!

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