lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2015

Assignment # 1 : Monday Dec.14th 2015

Dear Gatun Room Students,

I hope you are having a wonderful break so far!

This week in preparation for our January science project, I will ask you to work on your  basic understanding of the scientific method by designing your own science experiment.

Studying Chewing Gum....

Step 1: Watch the following video and enjoy!
Step 2: Do some research! What is chewing gum made of? Why is it so yummy and tasty?

Step 3: Come up with a research question (mom OR dad can help!) 
You could investigate which brand of chewing-gum has the longest lasting flavor? (Keep in mind young people have smaller teeth and the  flavor may last longer in their mouths) (maybe Test 5 to 6 brands? and use a stopwatch)
Or even take it a step further by investigating whether sugarless chewing gum lasts longer than the sugary kind?
 You may even keep it simple and ask individuals what type of –chewing-gum do they prefer?
Step 4:  Develop a Hypothesis ( What do you think the answer to your question is?)
Step 5: Write a list of materials you will need ( Please do include chewing gum).
Step 6:  Do your experiment!! and record the information you found. You may ask mom and dad to help you and use Microsoft excel (that would be great but not a requirement).
Step 7: Write a nice paragraph ( Yes at least 5 lines my friends!) on what you discovered.
Step 8: Answer the following question : If you could design your own experiment about something that you like what would it be? (Comment with your answer below by Sunday Dec. 20th.)
Please don't use this experiment as an excuse to eat A LOT of chewing gum, I´m sure you already know chewing gum is not always good for you!

9 comentarios:

  1. We researched the natural chewing gum tree and want to find one in Panama. Perhaps someone can help our search?

  2. We researched the natural chewing gum tree and want to find one in Panama. Perhaps someone can help our search?

  3. Which one of my wonderful students are you ¨Eejit¨? I have contacted our tree expert Stephen and hopefully he can provide some ideas and answers to this question. I would love to find out as well. Thanks for asking!

    1. The misterious eejit is Aaron!
      I contacted Omar López and he said that chicle trees are not easily spotted in Gamboa area. He suggested to go to Summit and look for a níspero tree,which is closely related to chicle.

  4. Mila's experiment:
    1. Chewing gum was originally made out of sap from the sapodilla tree but after word war 2 chemists learned to make synthetic rubber.
    2.Question: which brand of chewing gum stretches the most?
    3. Hypothesis: stretchiness depends on the type of chewing gum
    4. Materials: gum, tape measure, chopping board and knife
    5. Paragraph: we cut the gum so they were all the same size and when we were done cutting them and chewing them we measured them with a measuring stick, but before we did that we had to chew the gum the same amount of times so it would be the same stretch and that number was 30 and the one that stretched the most was orbit and it was really fun doing that because I learned a lot about gum!

    1. Mila Thank you for sharing your experiment with all of us.. Sounds like you had a lot of fun! My favorite gum is orbit sweet mint. What a discovery!- MsMaria

    2. Mila Thank you for sharing your experiment with all of us.. Sounds like you had a lot of fun! My favorite gum is orbit sweet mint. What a discovery!- MsMaria

  5. Introduction.
    Gum is made out of rubber, but in the old day it was made from sap of the chicle tree.

    Hypothesis: The biggest stick of gum will last the longest, because the bigger it is the more flavor it contains.

    Material and method. Stopwatch, six different gums, my teeth, paper and pen.
    The experiment consisted in putting a piece of chewing gum in my mouth and time how long the flavor lasted.


    Table 1. Weight and flavor lasting time for the six type of gums used in this study.
    Name weight time
    grams MM:SS
    Trident 1.7 3:42
    Hubba Bubba 8 5:32
    Extra 2.7 2:51
    Bubble Babies 2.5 4:44
    Extra Sauer Apple 2.7 4:39
    Wriglys spearmint 2.7 10:02

    Wriglys spearmint was the gum that lasted the longest, even though it was not the biggest gum.
    In conclusion my hypothesis was rejected.

