lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015

Assignment #2: Create your own Holiday Board Game (Monday Dec. 21st 2015)

Dear Gatun Room Students,

I hope you enjoyed last weeks assignment!

This week, I want YOU to be creative and try to design your own board game, I hope that this will be an opportunity for you to use your ruler and some of your math skills! Keep in mind most board games have numbers or point systems.

1. Pick a Game Style -  I'm sure there are a lot of board games you might have played with family and friends (Monopoly? Risk? Clue?), you might even have some at home! Get some ideas!
This link provides a large list of board game You could investigate one.

2. Look at some Ideas - In this video two kids describe how they created their own board game. Look through more videos and ideas.

In addition look at how this teacher uses an egg carton to play math games

3. Write the Rules- every game has a set of rules. On a piece of paper write the rules to your future holiday board game ( Use first, second, third, also, finally, after, etc..) .

Some examples:

- Every player gets two turns
- First you roll the dice, and then you move your piece.
- If you get a 4, you must pick a card.

4. Design and Complete your Game- Find some materials at home, create cards, a board (using paper, colors, cardboard etc..), maybe use wrapping paper or holiday stickers. Does your game involve money and buying items? maybe you need to create a currency.

5. Send a Photo- Take a picture of your game and send it to

6. Comment on the Blog- Write as a comment below this post the name of the game you created by Sunday Dec. 27th.

6 comentarios:

  1. The name of my game is called Dodge or Dare (for short you can call it DoD). I made it with colours cardboard and paper. (p.s. you can download the board and instructions here:

  2. My game is called "Witch's Wardrobe". To move forward you have to roll the dice and get a 3 or a 5.
    Love, Gwendolyn

  3. My name is called "Snip-Snap". You have to try to get to the finish as fast as possible, but there are obstacles in the way, and some of them you have to go back to start.
    Love, Nico

  4. Hello Nico and Gwen, they both sound fantastic. I cant wait to hear more about them! See you soon!

  5. Very cool. Hope we can keep up with mobile webstes!Visit My site:

    Kitchen Tale Game
